
Attendance and Absences


​As stated in the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, S176, Compulsory schooling:

Each parent of a child of compulsory school age must;

  1. ensure the child is enrolled with in a year of schooling at a State School or non-State school; and
  2. ensure the child attends the State school or non-State school, on every school day, for the educational program in which the child is enrolled;  unless the parent has a reasonable excuse.

When does my child have to attend school?

As from 2018, the  Preparatory Year of education is compulsory. Children will be five by 30 June in the year they intend to commence Prep. All children must attend Prep 5 days per week.

What do I do if my child is away?

From time to time, a student might be absent from school. Parents / carers must comply with their compulsory schooling or compulsory participation obligation by providing a satisfactory reason for these absences.

All parents must contact the school prior to the commencement of the school day on the day they are absent. Parents will be contacted by the school if a student is away and there is no contact made. If there is a pattern of absence and/or lateness, or for extended periods of time the school will make contact to seek an explanation for the absence. Please be aware that absences of over 3 weeks without contact from parents/carers to explain the absence will be taken as cancellation of enrolment. 

The school can be contacted through Q-Parents, via email to, or by calling the school on 07 5547 2222 and leaving a message on the absence line.

Absences are recorded and regularly monitored. Parents and Carers can expect official letters from the Principal and a request for an interview to discuss needs and required support to meet the obligation of compulsory schooling.

What is a satisfactory reason for my child being away?

A reason will be considered satisfactory if it identifies the absence as an allowed absence. Allowed absences are absences from school for up to 10 days due to illness. It is important that a parent/carer state the reason for the child's absence. To merely state that the child was away is insufficient. Reasons for allowed absences may include such factors as:
  • medical or dental treatments or procedures
  • specialised training
  • sporting events other than those recognised by DET.
  • funerals
  • cultural reasons, or
  • family reasons

Professional judgment is exercised when deciding whether other types of reasons offered to explain an absence are satisfactory and the following are taken into consideration:

  • a student's past attendance record;
  • the student's particular circumstances; and
  • consultation with the school Principal regarding a child's attendance.

What is the difference between an explained absence and an unexplained absence?

Absences for which a satisfactory reason has been provided are considered explained absences, and the student's enrolment in compulsory schooling or compulsory participation is viewed as continuous. An absence for which a satisfactory reason has not been provided is considered an unexplained absence

What if my child is absent or plans to be absent for more than 10 consecutive days?

When a student is absent, or plans to be absent, for more than 10 consecutive school days for any reason, the parent complies with their obligations in respect to compulsory schooling or compulsory participation by either:
  • seeking an exemption from their obligation; or
  • by negotiating with the Principal to make an alteration to a student's educational program; or
  • by seeking to arrange a flexible arrangement for the student.

What if my child needs to leave the school grounds, or other educational site, for a short period of time?

Requests for permission for a student to leave the school grounds, or other educational site, for a short period of time can be made in writing. Students may not leave the school grounds or educational site if the reason provided is not considered satisfactory or if leaving the school grounds places the student at risk of harm. Considerations of the reason for leaving school grounds include:
  • any risks that might be associated with the student leaving the school grounds or educational site,
  • any potential impact on their learning program; and
  • who will assume duty of care for the student during their absence
  • A late or early slip must be obtained from the office after 9.00am prior to attending class.

Last reviewed 11 February 2025
Last updated 11 February 2025