Our school is equipped with a fantastic Library facility constructed using funds from the Building the Education Revolution program in the late 2000's. It is located on the school's western side, in the same complex as the school hall.
The library is staffed Mondays through Thursdays, and is open to students for borrowing both before school and at break times. Community members are welcome to visit the Library space between 8.20am and 8.50am to share a book with their children or simply enjoy the space.
All classes request a scheduled borrowing time at the commencement of the school year. On these days, teachers spend a short time teaching students how to engage with books for pleasure and how to access new resources. Students are also encouraged to borrow new and challenging titles to take home.
Items borrowed from the library remain on loan for two weeks at a time.
Students in Prep to Year Two are encouraged to bring a borrowing bag (which could be as simple as a pillowcase) to help keep their loaned books protected from accidental spills or food stains when travelling in a school bag. Students in these year levels are encouraged to take one book at a time to help foster responsibility with shared resources.
Students in Years Three to Six may borrow two resources at a time from different sections of the Library. This encourages students to engage with a variety of text types, and allows more popular resources to be shared evenly amongst our various classes.
When borrowing items from the Library, students are agreeing to take responsibility for their care.
Students have a period of two weeks before any loaned items become 'overdue'. If students have overdue items registered against their name, they will not be permitted to borrow any new items until the old loans are cleared.
All items in our library have been purchased with school or community funds, or have been kindly donated to the school through special event days. They are valuable to us, and can be difficult to replace. With this in mind, any losses or damages will need to be compensated.
If students receive an overdue notice home, it will often indicate a book's cost or whether it was a donation. If a cost is attached, please take the overdue notice to our administration where EFTPOS is available for use on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
If a cost is indicated as 'Zero', it means the book was received as a donation. To compensate for the loss or damage of a donated book, we ask to receive a book of equal value in kind. For hygiene purposes, replacements must be in new (or near new) condition and of similar value to the item that has been lost/damaged.
If you would like to organise a replacement but do not know what to choose, please check out our Booktopia Wishlist for items that our students have been requesting!
Scholastic Book Club
Book Club provides families with an affordable and convenient way to bring the best in children’s literature into their homes. Each issue contains curated, age-appropriate titles that have been carefully selected and levelled by a dedicated team of professional booklovers.
We operate at least seven separate issues of Book Club each academic year. Students will receive a paper catalogue when issues are released. Catalogues are also available to view online by visiting scholastic.com.au/loop when issues are active.
Because we operate as a cashless school, all Book Club orders must be placed online through the Scholastic LOOP. If you require assistance with this ordering process, please come and chat to the staff in the Library before school on Monday-Thursday.