When there is an excursion, camp or class activity that requires a payment by the parent/carer, notification of the amount payable will be sent home by the school.
Payments should be made directly at the office. Payment methods are by Cash, Eftpos, BPoint or Internet Banking.
A recept will be issued for all payments.
Direct Payment into School Bank Account
Account Name
| Logan Village State School General A/C
BSB Number:
| 064-401 (CBA Beenleigh Branch)
| 00090017
| Student Surname and Event Name
Please make sure you include student surname and event name when entering a reference, as this helps us track funds from various sources. If insufficuent details are supplied, payments will be applied to the oldest debt for that family/customer.
Bills and invoices generated by the school are instantly available to view within Q-Parents; either through the mobile app or website. This is a handy resource to help collect all payment information in one convenient place.
On the payments screen, you can view invoices with outstanding payments as well as paid invoices for your child. You can also make online payments against outstanding invoices with Visa or MasterCard. These payments are processed through the Commonwealth Bank's BPOINT facility. Click the "To Pay" checkbox next to any invoice to make a payment. It is possible to make partial payments, or to pay multiple invoices at the same time.